Friday 27 June 2014

My rock report

The volcano  has erupted
There are 2500 minerals in the world.Rocks are made from minerals.Sometimes rocks have gold in them.Igneous rocks are made when lava cools and hardens.Sedimentary  rocks are made sediment and sometimes fossils get stuck to it.Metamorphic rocks are made from heat and pressure inside the earth.Rocks smash to make mountains.Rocks have been on earth for a million years.Rock have been when the dinosaurs were.There are different tips of rocks in different parts on the world.Sometimes some rocks have 1 or 2 mineral in them. There's about 4500 billion rocks in the world.Coal sometimes have leave prints on them.Coal is really hard.Some rocks get created from other rocks.Rocks are different colours.Sandstone is made from sand.After many years mountains go down.Did you know diamond can cut diamond.


Tuesday 10 June 2014


How Rocks Were Made
Some stone was made by a big clump of clay.Some rocks are made by minerals.

Igneous Rocks
Some igneous rocks have tiny minerals in them and some don't have any.Greenstone sometimes gets caught in the volcanoes,Basalt normally comes out of the volcanoes.

Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary rocks are made of tiny pieces of big rocks.Most Canyons are made of Sedimentary rocks.Limestone is a kind of Sedimentary rock.You can find fossils in some Sedimentary rocks.

Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have changed their form because of the earths crust.Marble and Slate are two kinds of Metamorphic rocks.You would normally find Metamorphic rocks deep inside the earth.

The rock cycle goes like this Magma to Igneous to Sedimentary to Metamorphic and over and over again.

By Samuel

How are rocks made?

How are rocks made
Rocks are made by mineral and broken parts of rocks that form into large or small rocks.

Coal can be formed into liquid, fuel and soap, Pitch is used to waterproof roofs.
Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks are made from tiny pieces of bones and rocks. They are stacked together like pancakes.

Metamorphic rocks are like a tube of toothpaste because the rocks are squeezed together.

These are some of the types of sedimentary rocks: breccia, sandstone, shale and limestone.

Rocks can be transformed into dust. Different minerals join together to make rocks.

Diamonds are the only minerals can cut glass.

So as you can see there are many types of rocks around the world, they are amazing properties.

By Hajoo